Cerita Jamu

Cerita Jamu contributes the knowledge about jamu through online and offline classes, in private classes or public classes.
It aims to educate class participants to get information about various types of jamu, spices that can be used for making jamu, and benefits of jamu.
We hope that the story of Indonesian jamu will always be sustainable, not only for the younger generation in Indonesia, but also for people around the world.

Signature Jamu Making 101 (MBloc Space)
How to make a unique and interesting jamu signature
Exploration of creations and innovations of herbal products
Practice of signature blend herbal innovation

Signature Jamu Making 101 (Menteng Huis)
How to make a unique and interesting jamu signature
Exploration of creations and innovations of herbal products
Practice of signature blend herbal innovation
Jamu Videos
Have The Jamu Your Way (Horizontal)

Have The Jamu Your Way (Horizontal)

Introducing Suwe Ora Jamu

Connecting People With Jamu